PIT Count County Coordinators
2024 PIT Count Date: January 24th
The success of the PIT Count depends on a qualified and dedicated PIT Count Coordinator. For more information on the PIT Count for your county, please contact your local PIT Count Coordinator.
Aiken County
Wanda Jackson, houseofprovisions14@gmail.com
Justina Allen, justinaallen2442@gmail.com
Chester County
LeTanya Williams, ltwilliams@bbnbsc.org
Libby Sweatt- Lambert, lsweatt-lambert@fortlawncenter.org
Lancaster County
Leland Summers, lsummers@aws1962.org
Holly Furr, exec.director@uwaylcsc.org
Lexington County
Sarah Main, sarah.main@scdmh.org
Orangeburg County
Henry Miller, hmiller@samaritanhouseorangeburgsc.org
Richland County
Latoya Guider, latoyaguidermm@gmail.com
Isabella Gormanson, igormanson@mirci.org
York County
Laura Hart, hartl8@winthrop.edu
Melissa Carlyle, latoyaguidermm@gmail.com
Emily Price, eprice@pilgrimsinn.org