General Membership Meetings
Join us for our quarterly general membership meetings! They take place the 3rd Friday in March, June, September and December at 1818 Blanding Street, Columbia, SC.
The Midlands Area Consortium for the Homeless (known as ‘MACH') was formed in the early 1990’s as a grassroots organization to advocate for funding to address homelessness. Through collaboration, MACH has grown to include over 50 partner members throughout 13 counties in the Midlands. For more than 20 years, MACH has been helping individuals obtain stable housing and employment and education necessary to become self-sufficient.

Members and Leadership Information
A Thank You...
I simply cannot thank you and Transitions enough for all your help. Without you and your organization quite frankly I would have totally given up on life. I was at this point a couple weeks ago. I did not want to struggle another day just to keep warm. I simply could not have come up with a deposit and first month rent while spending all my income monthly to stay at a local state park each night, in addition to transportation, storage and groceries until I could find a pet friendly affordable apartment.
The apartment you helped me find and afford is perfect. Quiet, scenic, safe, clean, good area, central air, and pet friendly for my cat Cookie who is my only family here! I even got a bonus, a washer and dryer that was left by the previous tennant! I have been doing laundry all day since it has been months since I have been able to.
This is the first time I have felt safe, had heat, and had hot water in two years!
Thank you again,
Terri and Cookie
Submitted by Transitions Homeless Center
Michael's Story
I first met ‘Michael’ when he sleeping on the streets in downtown Columbia. Michael had a long-term history of homelessness due to a diagnosis of Bipolar disorder with psychotic features, and he struggled with near-constant auditory hallucinations. After losing his job following a six-month hospitalization, his life began to spiral out of control leading to the end of his marriage, separation from his son, and the beginning of his long period of homelessness in the late 1990s.
Within six months of engagement with street outreach workers, Michael entered MIRCI services and moved into an apartment (his first place of his own in 10 years!) and in less than 40 days was approved for SSI benefits and Medicaid using the SOAR model. Now there is one less individual sleeping on a park bench at night, or waiting in the early morning for the library to open to seek solace from the weather outside. The next time you drive through downtown Columbia and see human beings lined outside the local soup kitchen, remember that many of them have similar stories to Michael. They are waiting for the help they need and deserve.
Submitted by Mental Illness Recovery Center Inc.
Mary's Story
‘Mary’ was staying in a run-down trailer in the woods with no electricity or running water. She had no family left and thought she would have to spend the rest of her days in the woods. Then one day everything changed. Emergency Services picked up Mary and brought her to Transitions. With the help of Transitions and our various service providers, Mary is now living in her own apartment. She’s excited to meet new friends her age, join a Bingo group, and explore Columbia. Mary says: “Now, I never have to go back to those woods ever again.” Mary was an inspiration to everyone at Transitions and has showed us dreams really can come true.
Submitted by Transitions Homeless Center

Upcoming Meetings!
General MACH Membership Meeting
Please contact midlandshomeless@gmail.com, regarding
General Membership Information & meetings.
Aiken County Homeless Coalition Meeting
Contact aikencountyhomelesscoalition@gmail.com for information
Catawba Area Local Chapter
Meeting dates posted at www.SCCACH.org